III Cricket Prediction



Champion Trophy Special

Now scenario  get change all T20 Gone, One day international have came. Its champion Trophy 2017 in England.  Total 8 teams getting part in it & will be fight for tittle.  There is 2 group & each group have 4 teams. So we will discuss  one by one about each team.

India is current champion and try to defend own tittle this year.  On paper it look sound team but current foam and performance wise story is different.
Any team success rate depend so much on captain attitude, performance  & confidence. Here about kohili attitude superb- never die approach  till last bowl attack. But those days he is doing struggle with bat that's why his confidence  level slightly low.
On cards it is solid batting line up. But as look as champion there are many hole. In middle order there is absence of anchor batsman around which any team just build a decent total. If kohili fail to play this role then that batting may collapse any match. Indian batsman will take the time to just come out by T20 frame. One big threat will be England condition for Indian batsman,  here swing bowler will be on peak and after impact of so much T20, Indian batsman just forget about basic.  In England to succeed  batting basic should be sound.
In this department Indian team looking sound.  There swing bowler can support so much to team overcome.
Over all that team have chance to reach up to semifinal. Semifinal is just the maximum reach.
To be continue...